Monday, 3 September 2012

No big blog today.

Driving today into Wisconsin from Minnesota. Crossed the Mississippi river. All driving on the interstate so few photos due to not stopping. Beautiful Wisconsin many deciduous trees and many barns and silos which i took many photos of last time I was here but we did have a stop at Withee-Owen, where Dan was raised.

Small town and we saw the college

where he went to school. Evidence of the Armish community here with genuine horse manure at this parking space

There is no phone reception here at the motel which makes me think we are in Siberia so I couldn't ring my dad for fathers day. :(
We didn't get to see Dan's mum today but will do first thing in the morning.
Dan's brother, John, surprised us at the restaurant at the motel where we are staying at Waupaca.

John is the youngest of the Hynes eight siblings. It was good to see him. Tomorrow it is on to Racine after our visit to Dane's mum.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Grand Seasons Dr,Waupaca,United States

1 comment:

  1. Cool that Dan got too see his brother. Who is Dane and why are you going to see his Mom? ;-P
