Friday, 7 September 2012

What a day!

From beginning to end, eventful!
Dan noticed two young cardinals at the bird feeder. Although not in their full red plumage, they made good subjects, even through the mesh in the windows.

An unexpected trip to the dentist for Janet took priority over our plans. Luckily, all damage was repairable and she was in and out of there in record time. We set off by lunchtime. This unusual barn is not far from where they live.

There were vegetables being grown and sold from the property.

The skyline started to change

We made it into the heart of Chicago! We had been on the fantastic Architectural River Cruise in 2006 and Tom and Janet were keen to try this out, too. It is a must-do in Chicago!

So we joined the cruise mid afternoon.

The fabulous Joseph Kennedy acquisition that made their family rather wealthy is the largest building on the river.

This gold topped skyscraper was sculpted to represent a champagne bottle bubbling over... Hmmmm.

The second highest in USA is the glamorous Trump Tower - no unsuitable coiff on the top of this baby.

The reflections in some of the buildings are just as impressive as the buildings themselves.

And one and a half hours later we walked down to the millennium park

which is world renowned as well. Camera batteries were getting a bit low but managed to get a few shots of the amazing silver bean

which follows the theme of the city reflections. I am in these photos, its like wheres Wally - you just have to find me.

We travelled home again and while picking up supplies at the chemist I lost my credit card. I searched the car at home and then rang the BNZ Visa overseas number to cancel the card. They were amazing! Best phone service ever. That sorted, Janet insisted we go back to the chemist to scout around for the card in the dark. Fat chance I thought! But there on the ground where we had parked we found it with the torch! Another call to BNZ again saved the day, reinstated card.

Hunter and Janet hit the road in the big C.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Rosalind Ave,Racine,United States

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