Saturday, 4 August 2012

Bad things come in threes

So earlier this week we had some bad luck, the person looking after the fish while we are away had to go for an operation......... right well I suppose we can work something out but not yet.  The the dishwasher stopped suddenly on Friday, handing over the house to someone to look after with a broken dishwasher not good, so rather large purchase needed just before we depart these shores.
And last night Dan got sick, in the middle of the night, no sleep for him and little for me as we tried different cures.  Today still no good, dr had issued drugs but still no good.  So thats it, isn't it?  The plane will not crash now because that would make it four.  That is assuming we are going to get on this plane.......:(


  1. will all be fine once you take off and get a gin or two down you! Happy travels guys :)

  2. Oh Leigh - you said you were sorting things out at home, but you didn't say all that (except Dan). Now I hear he is still in hosp - hopefully they get to bottom of it all very soon.
    Trust the flight went well
