Thursday, 16 August 2012

Denver Central

Dan arrived midnight after a delayed flight but Terry brought him home thank goodness. We took a bus to downtown from across the road

Hunter bought some converse boots which were on her list of things to get. It was hot uptown but cool in the shops ahhhh bliss

Just a few of Hunter around town

And I bought the little adapter to take photos from my camera over to the iPad
Navigated my way through peak hour traffic to Lindy and Brian's for Bbq to meet up with family.

Really lovely time with extended family

and the home in the dark on the interstate . A bit scary. Driving on the interstate and in the city in the dark But now Dan is here as my trusty guide.

So all is well. And tomorrow a trip to Boulder to catch up with more family. Boulder is beautiful.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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